Baltimore’s Soul-punk proteges Nightlife ‘Fallback’ into the fresh and funkiest grooves with their Sophmore EP

Photo credit: Gabby Minkiewicz ; From Left to Right: Isaiah - Drums, Hansel Romero - Vocals, & Julian - Bass

A year and change off of the band’s debut EP ‘new low’, Nightlife has quickly gained recognition from Alternative music fans, artists, journalists and just about everywhere in between. ‘Fallback’ is the follow-up that dives deeper into the soul of

Nightlifetypebeat is the opener that explodes with swagger and finesse like you just put on your favorite suit for a night out with friends or someone special. The lyrics are begging to not be led on with false hopes yet they love the fire that this person ignites inside of their heart. As fucking phenomenal this song is, it gaplessly fades out and into the title track Fallback. If you’ve ever found yourself going back to someone you know you shouldn’t (and you do it anyway), this paints that picture so clear in the slick production choices.
Fool Me Once
is the song that plays as soon as you get into your car to drive off into the night away from home, the things that stress you out and even the things that bring you joy. You think back to times when that special person made it easier to get through the best and worst days. Flashback to now, things have changed immensely and they may not be same but you'll still hope that there's better for the both of you on the horizon. Paired with a build-up to a mind-bending post rock breakdown, there's weight in every chord, instrument and lyric for the song showcasing what this band is capable of so early on in their career.
Hard For Me
takes a lot of inspiration from modern elements of trap and sad-pop and mixes it altogether to form a drink that has a fruity flavor followed by the alcohol to intoxicate the listener into the emotional state of the lyrics. Being so caught up that just the thought of someone makes your heart skip a beat and weakens you emotionally is a hard thing to break from.
No Pleasure
is the last track on the EP and it's safe to say, it's the best way to close out such a journey that we've (meaning myself and you the listener) been on.There's a clear end to the cycle of back and forth with this person and their psychological hold on you and while it's bittersweet, it's what needs to happen to move forward. Ethereal and sparkly keys add texture to a drum-n-bass style groove that leans into alternative rock towards the end closes the EP out beautifully (yet I still want more)

In closing, Nightlife has surely made their mark on what's possible stylistically, genre-wise, and just about everything else only a year and change into their careers and I cannot wait to see what's next. 

Rating: 5/5


Stream the Fallback and new low EP's on all major streaming platforms and support the band directly on their bandcamp

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